Sunday, April 8, 2007

Buuuurrrppp... Sorry, kids.

The Easter Bunny Was Here!! This morning at 6.35 am (a record sleep-in for Child Number Two) we discovered baskets crammed full of all manner of delights... and that The Bunny had shared a late night snack with our two guinea pigs, Cookie and Cupcake. As well as leaving a few remnants of the bunch of parsley we left out, The Bunny left a few half-nibbled slices of cucumber-- Cookie and Cupcake must have been feeling generous and tossed them to him from their cage. The Bunny also made free to help himself to the large bag of timothy hay, kept under the gp cage... Hay everywhere. AND, a large, dirty "bunny mark" on the floor just in front of the back door, where he must have landed after jumping into the kitchen. No wheelbarrow tracks outside, though-- it's STILL snowing out there.

We're now "on our way to grandma's house, with our little baskets" for the rest of the day. Hope the highways are clear, and that the extreme, chocolate-induced sugar high doesn't wear off of me before we pull into her driveway!!

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