Friday, May 25, 2007

Strawberry Strychnine...

Tomorrow is Child Number Three's third birthday!!

It's so hard for me to get my head around the fact that the little critter is growing up so fast; that the time has gone by SO quickly.

Although she is very tiny of stature, my youngest child has no problem articulating her wants and needs, loudly and clearly, whenever she wants or needs something. Today, while we were preparing for her party, which will be held on Saturday afternoon, she came to a decision on the theme she would like.

Guess what it is?

"Stwabewwy Showt-cake!!"

That's Strawberry Shortcake, for all of you out there who don't speak pre-schooleeze.

The kicker is, the one thing in this life that I am absolutely, deathly allergic to is strawberries. Strawberry Shortcake, in spite of all her annoying cuteness, might as well be the Grim Reaper, or the Angel of Death to me.

But, it's what she wants, people, so what else can I do? I dutifully set off to our fabulous local dollar store, where we purchased hats, plates, cups, banners, blowers, napkins-- you name it!!-- all adorned with the mug of this deadly little dolly.

Oh, well. It could be worse. If she had chosen a "Barney" theme, I would have perished instantaneously from a fatal brain aneurysm brought on by severe loathing. At least with Strawberry Shortcake, there's always an Epipen around to save me.

1 comment:

Multi-tasking Mommy said...

Happy Belated Birthday, by a day to "Child #3". I cannot believe she is 3 already! Time sure does fly :)

I hope she had a good day and lot so fun.

I hope you made it through in one piece--poor you ;)

I had a Strawberry Shortcake themed bday when I turned 5--gosh, do I ever feel old that Strawberry Shortcake has come, gone and come again since then!

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