Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Here's to you... and thank-you.

A little late... but better late than never, right??

Due to stock market madness, and the resulting general berserk nature of this household (even more berserk than usual, I'm afraid), I find myself woefully behind on many, many tasks... But the very first one I want to catch up on is passing on a few awards!! (Hey, I've got priorities!! Mt Washmore can wait another few hours... and I can always just buy new underwear for the kids, right??)

Several weeks ago, my friend Leann over at "The World Through The Eyes of Me" awarded me this lovely hot pink lion:

Leann's mom is going through chemo, and one evening several months ago, I received an email asking me for a little advice about head-coverings. I was able to pass along a beautifully detailed scarf-tying description, written by the gorgeous, stylish Cancer Survivor, Kim (who writes "The Merits of the Case"). Leann read the instructions, and spent the remainder of the evening practising the technique on her husband's head (since her mom's scalp was still sensitive from the chemo). Leann and many members of the family had shaved their own heads in support of their mom... and that night, I was bowled over by the incredible love Leann and her husband have for their mother, and by the hilarious image I had in my head of the two of them trying to figure out that fancy turban!!

Thank you, Leann. It seems only right that I pass the award on to Kim, who was so generous and prompt to provide all the information you needed!!

Last night, my good friend Shauna from "Up In The Night" sent along this sweet little award:

Over the past few months, Shauna and I have become tremendously good friends, and I really enjoy all of her emails, as well as her blog posts!!

I would like to pass the candy hearts along to:

Mrinz, at "NZ Links", who delights me daily with accounts of her happy life "down under" (and over-the-water a bit... She is a very proud Kiwi!!)

Canape, at "Don't Take the Repeats", who has just seen her best friend through a wildly successful surgery, and is about to give birth to a beautiful "Little Bird" any day now...

Leann, at "The World Through the Eyes of Me", because she's got SO much going on all the time, if I miss a day, I miss A LOT!! Kids, nursing school, and mom's tumour shrinking are only a FEW of the topics she covers on daily basis...

PM, at "Painted Maypole", who "gets" all my theatrical silliness, and shares the details of her life and work with me...

and the dynamic duo, MTM from "Circle of Life", and her husband, SciFi, from "Tales from the Dad Side". These two have been my real-life friends for over a decade, and have been so tremendously supportive of my foray into blogging... Love you both!!

Last, but certainly not least, I received this beautiful button from one of my favourite people, Slouching Mom, from "Slouching Past Forty":

I would like to award it to ALL of you; anyone who is out there, reading! I do so appreciate your friendship, your comments, and your emails.

Here's to you... and thank-you.

xoxo CGF


SciFi Dad said...

Thanks for the candy hearts... that's really sweet of you (wah wah... groan)

merinz said...

Thank you for the award(s)- have passed them on. They sure do make my blog more colourful!

painted maypole said...

awww... shucks. thanks! :)

all of your awards richly deserved

(and I LOVE all your theatrical silliness!!!!)

Multi-tasking Mommy said...

Awwww! Thank you so much for the award :)
That is very kind of you!

Marty, a.k.a. canape said...

Mwah! Love right back to ya!

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