Saturday, December 19, 2009

December 19

"Gabriel's Message"
performed by The Choir of King's College, Cambridge

"Enjoy your break!"

Ironically, these were the last words my professor called after me as I was leaving her class on Wednesday, having just handed in my final 75 page paper of 2009.

Little did I know that less than an hour later, I would be lying inert and stunned, flat on my back on my icy driveway. I dislocated my right elbow so completely that the medical team looking after me in Emergency obeyed my request to be knocked out, while they assessed the damage and attempted to put me back together again.

I will be spending this Christmas, and probably well into the New Year, encased in a cast from my shoulder to my wrist... no driving, no writing, no cooking, no shopping or wrapping, and most certainly NO KNITTING, for at least the next few weeks.

I am miserable, to be sure. But pain relief is abundantly available, thanks to my merciful doctors, and the comfort of family and friends means the world to me.

I am doing my best, and am making the most of the situation I have found myself in. We mothers do not have much choice, at times like these. We can choose to fight against the forces that are beyond our control... Or, we can yield: Surrender our own agenda for the time being, and trust that in time, all will work out as it should.

I have faith.

All will be well.

In time.


Nan Sheppard said...

Poor thing... Sleeping with a cast is a bore, too. I hope you have many pillows in all the right places.

Thanks for continuing to post lovely music!

Nan Sheppard said...

P.S, I haven't heard this carol in years, it's one of my favourites!

painted maypole said...

oh no! I hope you find some peace and relaxation in your enforced downtime. Something tellse you will. Merry Christmas.

merinz said...

OH dear oh dear.

Having to sit back and let everything evolve around you over the Christmas/New Year break is going to be very hard for you. And painkillers are all very well, but they come with a floaty feeling! (Maybe that is not so bad!)

Lots of love and positive thoughts are being sent your way.

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