Friday, November 21, 2008

My Daughter, The Athlete.

Upon discovering Child Number One slouching lugubriously in her chair at the lunch table, wearing a foul expression:

Mother: What's up, Buttercup? Why the long face?

Child Number One: (mournfully) We have GYM CLASS this afternoon...

Mother: So?

Child Number One: (clearly exasperated) That's FIFTY MINUTES of my life I'll NEVER get back...

If she weren't so damn good at math, I'd swear I've cloned myself...


painted maypole said...

he he he

(maybe you could ask her how much of her life she'll GAIN, though, by being healthy and physically fit? now where did I hide that fudge?)

Candygirlflies said...

I ate the last piece.

(mouth full. sorry. **burp**)

xo CGF

merinz said...

Hehe. No one does 'foul face' better than a pre teen! or a teen for that matter.

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