Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Music to do housework by...

Especially "Turn It On Again".

I'm sorry, but Phil Collins is STILL
the Coolest Little Dude in the Music Industry...


Reverend Shawn said...

Weird !!!!!!?????

I just got back from a bike ride and was thinking as I pedalled around town ... I NEED to get some Genesis on CD so I can load it in my mp3 player AND have it for the van ...

Great minds must think alike eh??

Keep rockin' CGF !!!

painted maypole said...

ha ha... I had something against Phil Collins when I was younger (I'm not entirely sure what) so I have to kind of get over it every time I listen to him. ;)

Candygirlflies said...

I was fortunate enough to see Phil and The Guys live on stage in Vancouver during their "We Can't Dance" tour. A friend of mine (works for Ticketmaster) gave me the seats that the band didn't need that night, so we were LITERALLY within "spitting distance" of the stage.

It was... INCREDIBLE. I have never seen anyone in show business work as hard as Phil did that night. He didn't leave the stage for one single minute-- he even did a drum solo while the Other Guys went off to take a break and have a drink...

The only problem I had that night was THIS:

I had a difficult time choosing who to gaze lovingly at...

Phil (who was in front of me, onstage), my husband (seated to my left), or HARRISON FORD (in. his. PRIME. and seated on my right).

Heaven? You can HAVE your heaven.

Cause I've already BEEN to MINE.

xo CGF

painted maypole said...

harrison ford?!? oh, he is getting kind of old now, which is, you know, natural, but a few years ago?!? oh yum.

Well, it doesn't matter who you drooled over, because we know who you went home with. And maybe he reaped the benefits of the other 2? ;)

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