She's gone back home... Sigh...
Life is considerably less sparkly around this household today, because Hannah has gone back home to her parents.
Life is considerably less sparkly around this household today, because Hannah has gone back home to her parents.
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8:00 PM
Labels: girlies
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7:44 PM
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4:04 PM
Well, dear readers, this was something that I would never have expected in a million years.
This morning, I was feeling really quite residually awful. Downright crappy, if the truth be known. Because for the past three days, I have been flat on my back with the worst case of heat exhaustion I have ever suffered. I had it all: the headache, the chills and fever, the colliwobbles of the tummy (to put it mildly and politely), you name it, people. I LITERALLY couldn't. lift. my. head.
Until this morning.
And this morning, when I opened my eyes, I realized that the world had finally stopped spinning and my head had stopped splitting. I staggered down to the kitchen after Child Number Three, who was vociferously demanding a "Pee-buddah Samwich!!", and, as is my customary habit, flipped on my computer before beginning the food prep.
This is what met my eyes:
My good blogging friend, Shauna, over at Up In The Night, has awarded me the Nice Matters Award!!
To say that I was thrilled to bits would be a wild understatement. Hell, I went thundering back upstairs and woke up my husband (samwich-jilted three-year-old child screaming behind me) to tell him the Big News. Even HE was impressed, and sprinted down to the computer screen to take a look.
I am so proud. So pleased, and proud. Because, I haven't been at this blogging-thing for very long. I've been a little bit insecure about my writing, especially after reading all the tremendously intelligent, articulate and downright hilarious stuff that's out there on the Women's Blogging Circuit these days. I have felt honoured to be allowed to stand amongst you, thrilled when I discover that you're actually out there READING what I write, and that you actually seem to enjoy it.
And as for "nice"... Well. What can I say, except that I am blessed. I am truly fortunate to be living the kind of life that I do, surrounded by the people who are my family and friends. For all of this, I am thankful. And I am pleased to share that with you.
So thank-you, Shauna, from the bottom of my heart. You have given me a huge honour: my very FIRST award, and on my 200th post, too!! Right back atcha, girlfriend, the feeling is entirely mutual.
And now the enormously difficult task of passing on this award falls to me... and it is not a task I take lightly. Because the list of outstanding blogs that I read on a regular basis is quite staggering, so I am going to give myself a day or so to make a decision. But I'll let you know!!
Thank-you again, Shauna. The boost you gave me today did more for me than any medicine could!!
A late-breaking update...
Thank EWE, at Wherever Ewe Go, There Ewe Are, who has ALSO chosen me as the recipient of a Nice Matters Award!! Gosh, people, I'm just overwhelmed... Two in one day!! Check out the delightful Ewe at her "slightly mad" blog (moo!) She is another truly nice blogger who is absolutely worth a daily read!
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9:57 PM
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2:26 PM
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5:24 PM
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3:46 AM
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1:54 PM
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11:26 PM
A couple of days ago, Her Bad Mother sent out a call for us all to clean out our handbags, and show our fellow bloggers the contents, however gruesome they may be.
Okay, top left to right:
1. One puppy-dog bookmark, belonging to Child Number Two. I guess she finally finished the book she was reading.
2. $1.50 in Canadian Tire Money. The next-best thing to completely useless, because whenever I buy ANYTHING from Crappy Tire, it's always either inappropriate, or broken, and has to be returned.
3. My prescription sunglasses. Don't leave home without them.
4. A pamphlet about the new "Smart Meters" that the Ontario Government is attaching to all of our houses, so that we can go online and find out exactly how much electricity our family is wasting every, single, goddamn second of the day. Great, ONE MORE thing for me to obsess about...
5. My IPod. Love, LOVE, LOVE.
6. My red-hot shiny cellphone. A gift from my husband last Christmas. I think he was hoping for some steamy phonecalls at the office, but with three kids with supersonic hearing and brains like little tiny tape-recorders trailing after me at all times, NO SUCH LUCK. My ringtone is "Clair de Lune" by Debussy, by the way... My mother was ecstatic (she often laments about my decidedly "unclassy" taste in music, among many, many other things).
Okay, back over to the left, now for the second row...
7. Way, waaaay too much gum. But I NEED GUM, to keep the blood flowing to my brain as I chew. Trick I learned in university, while writing essays and exams. Sometimes, gum is the only thing keeping me awake at the wheel of my car. Just don't tell the OPP.
8. My wallet. We won't go in there.
9. I have no idea what this little yellow stick-thing is. My kids tell me it's got something to do with a Littlest Pet Shop toy that one of them purchased a long time ago.
10. One Tim Horton's straw wrapper. And one Tim Horton's straw, IN wrapper. Since I usually find at the end of the day that I'm toting at least two bottles of half-drunk apple juice around in my handbag, having ONLY THE STRAW AND WRAPPER in there is a breakthrough. It means that at least I made it as far as the recycling bin, just not as far as the garbage.
11. Miscellaneous lists and receipts. The lists go as far back as the cottage... I am an obsessive list-maker. If it ain't written down, it ain't happenin' people.
Take two. Left to right, from the top:
12. Three bottles of nail polish. I actually didn't know I had the two bottles of OPI in there... The dark purple Revlon colour is the one I had put on my toenails yesterday. It's called "Plum Attraction". Woo-woo. The receipt for the pedicure is there, too. Twenty-five bucks to get my sanity back?! Bargain of the century if you ask me. Imagine how much psycho-therapy would cost as an alternative.
13. The grotty little bag that all my makeup is supposed to fit into. Hah.
Back to the left again...
14. My purple ballpoint pen. I always write my lists in purple ink. Don't ask.
15. Contact lens drops. Even though I don't have the time or patience to put my contacts in anymore. And when I do, I'm usually carrying an evening bag, and not this wretched sack that actually CONTAINS a bottle of lens drops. Naturally.
16. Three containers of hand cream, and one jar of lip balm. Three containers, because I can never find the hand cream if there's only one container in there. And the lip balm? Unused, because I can never find it.
17. Emergency make-up. Two liners, one lipstick and a compact. I can never find them, either, because they're never in the make-up bag I carry.
18. EXTRA STRENGTH TYLENOL, a Mother's Best Friend. There are only about three left in there. Thank you for reminding me to fill it up.
Left again...
19. One large zip-loc bag full of various and assorted wires. Wires to attach my IPod to my car, my camera to my computer, my cellphone re-charger to a power outlet... You get the idea. It's just easier to keep them all together in my purse, rather than leaving them lying around, and then discovering that someone has used them to fix the lawnmower, or make a craft or something.
20. One open box of Smarties. The currency of childhood. It is solely for the purpose of bribing my children, I absolutely admit it.
21. A little pile of cookie crumbs, one fossilized ju-jube, a blue smartie that escaped the box, and a Canadian quarter.
22. Hard to see, but there are three pairs of earrings here. They were taken out of my ears on three separate occasions over the past six months or so, and tossed into the handbag when I visited my hairdresser. I didn't even miss them, but it's nice to have them back.
23. My keys. The husband calls them the "jailer's keys". Not far from the truth, actually. On the key ring(s) you will see a bungee bracelet (to hang on my wrist), a lanyard (to hang around my neck). Now that I've got more kids than I have hands (and a brain like a piece of swiss cheese), it is absolutely necessary that I be able to attach my keys to my body. You will also see a beaded lizard, made by Child Number One at camp this summer. When I take my keys out of my handbag, it's about five pounds lighter to carry.
And that's it, folks. Confession over.
It wasn't so bad, actually... and I've got a clean purse, to boot.
Now, don't you DARE ask about what's in my diaper bag...
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8:40 AM
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10:29 PM
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2:18 PM
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7:36 PM
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9:10 AM
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5:50 PM
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5:06 PM
Well, we made it home. It took a crowbar to pry me away from the lake this year... everything was so beautiful, and the weather was so perfect. I could easily have stayed and stayed and stayed. But, all good things must come to an end, and so here I am, back home-sweet-home.
Well, NOT so sweet, as it turns out, because the house-sitters forgot to let The Rescue Team (our cleaners) in last week. So, to say that the place was a BIT of a cesspool upon our return is an understatement. The cat and the guinea pigs had a riot in our absence, judging by the amount of timothy hay and fur all over the kitchen floor, and the poor betta fish had to wipe clean spots on the inside of their glass bowls with their fins, so that I could see them mouthing, "HELP!!" To add yet another gross-ness, The Husband omitted to clean our fabulous coffee maker before he came to join us at the cottage last week, and when I opened the filter case to see where the nauseating smell was coming from... Well, you don't want to know any more. Husband is in "time out" for messing with the caffeine equilibrium in the household, and I've been in the process of sterilizing that machine for several hours now. It had BETTER be ready for tomorrow morning's use, that's all I have to say (without bursting into tears, that is).
MOST distressing was the sight of The Goddess' Garden, however, which has turned brown and decrepit with the extreme heat and drought, in spite of the "watering" that was supposedly done while I was gone. I can't blame the house-sitters entirely for this, as we are under watering restrictions by our town at the moment, but I confess to breaking the rules and roaring out there with the hoses at sundown tonight... And if anyone reports me and sends an official to my door, well LOOK OUT, because I will tolerate a lot of hardships with grace, but DON'T MESS WITH MY PERENNIALS. The Sword and Shield MIGHT just make an appearance over this one...
However, my crop of weeds did exceptionally well in our absence. Once the soil is moistened a little bit, I'll be out there at sparrowfart tomorrow morning, digging those buggers up. HOW IS IT that WEEDS are seemingly the last green things out there today??! Guess that's what makes them weeds... Crap.
It's been a long day; first a long drive, and then a looong cleanup of this bear-pit I call "home". Tonight, the bathrooms and kitchen are shining, the carpets are vacuumed, the pets are clean, happy and well-fed, the laundry is **DONE** (oh, you'd better be gasping in awe at THAT one), and the kids are all packed and ready for their activities tomorrow.
Now, if someone would just smarten up and open a GROCERY STORE around here, we could get some decent food in the place!! (For my beloved American readers, today was a Civic Holiday here in The Great White North... All our shop keepers locked their doors and opened a two-four instead, apparently... Oh, and a two-four would be... Never mind. I'll explain another time...)
My eyes are closing, here, I'm going to take my glass of wine up to bed, now.
It's good to be back.
Posted by
9:51 PM
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2:50 PM