Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Do you remember...

This amazingly talented and beautiful man?

Freddie Mercury and Queen were a huge part of my adolescence.  I was left simply gobsmacked by Freddie's "appearance" at the closing ceremonies of the 2012 Olympics in London this summer-- which took place in the very arena where his most spectacular live performances had occurred.

This past weekend, my sister and her boys came to stay.  We all have a legendary hatred for Labour Day: the final few precious hours before the school year ramps up again for us all (both sis and her husband are teachers, too...)

One night, while we were cleaning up the aftermath of another "kid-friendly" (read:  MESSY) meal, we chatted about her family's recent trip to London, and all they had seen and heard when they attended Olympic events.  It sounded so wonderful to have been part of the crowds; a witness to the "magic" that manifests itself at such world-wide events.  She hadn't seen the entirety of the closing ceremonies, however-- after running after little boys all day, it was impossible for her to stay up waaay past midnight, goggling at The Box, no matter how incredible the talent was!

So, we dialled up my favourite moment on Youtube, which led to another video, and another... 

Finally, we came across this recording from one of the pinnacles of our youth:  the 1985 LiveAid Concert.

That's 72,000 people out there in the audience, all singing and swaying, clapping and cheering...  I can assure you, we were all feeling just as "connected" to Freddie Mercury through our old-fashioned radios and tv sets as we danced around our living rooms at home, all over the world.

It was nothing short of astounding.

Queen's set has been called the greatest live performance in the history of rock music. 

You get no argument from yours truly.

Ready, Freddie.
I just wish you could have stayed with us longer.

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