Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nearly... there...

"With ordinary talents and extraordinary perseverance,
all things are attainable."

-- Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton


Nan Sheppard said...

I was just thinking of you, yesterday! I'm starting a course this week... and swamped with life, the universe and everything. I'm glad to hear you're still there.

painted maypole said...

you can do it!

Hey! I'll be moving to Michigan (Grosse Ile, in the Detroit River, SE of Detroit) sometime this summer... once I'm there I would LOVE if we could find a time to meet up... maybe in Stratford (as you mentioned once). :)

merinz said...

I can just hear Winston Churchill saying that, with his jaw thrust out and in his gravelly voice.

Glad to hear that the end is in sight.... Good luck.

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