Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Two Year Old Terrorist...

It's been a BUSY day around here... but no one has been more busy than the resident Two Year Old, let me tell you.

She made her rounds of the puddle-splashing circuit on her way to and from school. She attempted to "share" her chocolate chip cookie snack with our two guinea pigs. She ate her alphabet soup, letter by letter, with her fingers at lunchtime. She pilfered her older sister's makeup bag, twisted up all the lip glosses, and then jammed the tops back on, just to see what would happen. She sneaked into the bathroom, turned on the faucets, and tried to make "boats" out of individual squares of toilet paper... which, of course, sank, clogged the drain, and overflowed the sink by the time she was discovered. She "flew" her toy bunny rabbit over the banister in the upstairs hallway, knocking a Chinese lamp off of a table on the main floor. For her final act this afternoon, she found three contrabanned markers, and drew a large "mural" on the wall.

Tonight, she accidentally-on-purpose tipped over her "goodnight" glass of milk onto the kitchen table and began to "finger paint" with it...

Child Number Three: (Innocently, hoping cuteness will diffuse Mother's Reaction) I fink I needs a BABY SIPPY CUP...

Mother: (Through clenched teeth) YOU, my little friend, need a TRANQUILIZER DART.

1 comment:

Reverend Shawn said...

Hmmm ... I think I hear echoes of the mummy's mummy here ...

We've all been there ... dispite the uproarious laughter, I feel for you !!!

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